Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Next Revolution in Beauty

Starting at $59

The World has a new Glorious Leader

He can ride horses, clap his hands, and point in the direction of the sun

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Facebook CO2 footprint = 0.5 NYC's

So, at any point of time, overall Facebook power consumption equals:

(10,000 x 250 ) + (300,000 x 120) = 38,500 Kw or 51,629 HP


Hence on an estimated ballpark - Facebook daily consumes 924,000 KiloWatt-Hours with per capita of 3.08 KWh . Annually the per capita figure would be 1124 KWh /year or equivalent to emission of 0.75 ton of green house CO2 (Carbon footprint) which is half of NY city’s carbon footprint.

In, 10 Billion Facebook Photos - Is That Ecologically Sustainable?

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Fashion Weak

[Karl changing a tire on his way to la Roque-Sainte-Marguerite]

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Garden Gnomes Freed from their Captors

[Keith, Mick, and Ronnie - The Bob SaintClare Collection]

"A citizen from the town of Mauron has been arrested for stealing dozens of garden gnomes"

In Liberation, Un voleur de nains de jardin démasqué

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Ugy is going to Paris

[Ugy - The Bob Saint Clare Collection]

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Souvenir de Bangalore - Rickshaw pit stop

[Rickshaw pit stop - The Bob Saint Clare Collection]

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Souvenir de Rome - AS Roma Coach

[A. S. Roma Coach - The Bob Saint Clare Collection]

Monday, January 7, 2008

Super Adventure Club

Talking Heads, The Presets, and the Red Elvises coming out of a closet after being locked in there for 3 days.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Shin Bet opens archives

"The site includes, among other things, video footage of the security officials of the Israeli secret service from the early days of the organization, in which users can see the security officials practicing protecting VIPs while driving antiquated Israeli-manufactured vehicles. In other footage, visitors can see live fire training and personal testimonies given by senior intelligence and field officials.
For the new Shin Bet website click here" [Haaretz]

[Shin Bet opens archives]

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Weeds for Nerds

"Under these hypothesis and configuration, a dealer can maximize his profit by resolving the following optimization equation:

In Le Traffic de Cannabis en France (Cannabis Traffic in France)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Back in business

The Ropes, tomorrow at the Rickshaw Stop.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Gundam It.

"The agriculture ministry is not in charge of Gundam"

Japan Agriculture ministry official Tsutomu Shimomura, on reprimanding a bureaucrat who contributed 260 times to the Japanese-language Wikipedia entry on Gundam.
[via AP, Japan worker chided for wikipedia habit]

Friday, September 7, 2007

Cordless Purple Rabbit Competition

[Non-vibrating cordless purple rabbit -]

"This week, for instance, Good Vibrations' Web site is offering a purple Rabbit Habit cordless vibrator for $82. But Amazon and are selling it for $55.99"

[in The Chronicle, Competition has shaken Good Vibration]

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Pinch me

[British composure - Channel 4]

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Reaching the Bottom

Tartufi. Tomorrow. The Bottom of the Hill.

Tartufi - Until The Ocean Swallows The Stars

La CX a Gégé

[La Kaboulaise - The Bob Saint Clare Collection]

Monday, July 23, 2007

Midnight Grace

Midnight Movies at SF' Mezzanine. Mellow crowd. Gena Olivier is mesmerizing.

Midnight Movies - Patient Eye (Edit)

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Harry doesn’t die


Harry doesn’t die
Snape dies on page 658, his last words are “Look…at…me…”
Dobby dies on page 476, his last words are “Harry…Potter…”
Moody dies sometime before page 78, you hear of his death from Bill and Fleur
Collin Creevy dies sometime before page 694, Harry finds Neville is carrying his dead body
The sorting hat dies on page 732, Voldemort lights it on fire
Fred dies
Tonks dies
Lupin dies
Neville kills Nagini
Snape was Dumbledore’s spy all along. Dumbledore plotted his own death so that the power of the Elder Wand would die with him rather than be transferred to his victor. He failed though and the power is transferred to Draco, then to Harry (of course).
Voldemort dies on page 744
Harry’s scar goes away
Harry Marries Ginny and has three kids named Lily, Albus Sirius, and James
Ron Marries Hermione and has two kids, Hugo and Rose
Neville becomes professor of Herbology
Malfoy gets married and has a son named Scorpius
[Comment by Mr Deeds in TorrentFreak - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows leaked to BitTorrent]

Jailhouse Pop

[Filipino Inmates do "Thriller" - YouTube]

Friday, July 20, 2007

Is it my fault?

[Paul Chinn - Chronicle]

A 4.2-magnitude temblor awakened people this morning in the Bay Area.
U.S. Geological Survey spokeswoman Leslie Gordon declares:

"It didn't interrupt donut production"

[The Chronicle - 4.2 temblor shakes stuff off shelves, but no major damage]

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Defense or Offense?

[Bike Locks - unknown]

"In war, first priority must be given to protecting the civilian population and taking the war immediately into enemy territory. "

[Moshe Arens - Haaretz - 07/17/2007 - Defense or offense ?]

Thursday, June 28, 2007

A la lenteur, il me dépassera jamais

[Roberto Berlim/Flickr]
Sous-titre Libération: "Qui va croire que ce grand garçon vote LCR?"

"En ce qui me concerne, je fais du sport depuis que je suis gosse ; je n'ai jamais arrêté d'en faire et je n'ai aucun mérite : j'aime bien faire du sport. A part ça, il faut savoir qu'un runner/jogger digne de ce nom doit : 1/ être torse nu ( en Eté.) 2/courir avec une bouteille d'eau à la main. 3/Attacher la laisse du clébard à la taille. Et le clébard qui coure devant toi. 4/ avoir un bandana ( le jogger. Pas le clébard.) 5/ courir avec l'air dégagé et avec un lecteur MP3 ( ou MP4 ou MP5 ou MP6 ou plus si c'est possible.) 6/ très important : avoir avec soi un électro machin truc qui permet de savoir si on va pas mourir en courant : ça se met autour de la poitrine et avec ça, ON SE DEPASSE SOI-MEME. A titre personnel, je ne me dépasse jamais moi-même et d'ailleurs tout le monde me dépasse : les vieux qui veulent avoir l'air jeune et les jeunes qui sont déjà des vieux dans la tête. je ne dépasse que les handicapés et les femmes ( faut pas déconner quand même.) Je cours lentement mais j'ai toujours couru. A part ça, je baise régulièrement, je marche en montagne, je n'ai pas de voiture ( ce qui fait que je marche beaucoup, longtemps et quotidiennement), je lis dès le petit dejeuner. Après, je bosse et surtout, j'essaye de trouver un intérêt à ma présence dans le monde. Et ça va plutôt bien malgré quelque coups de calcaire parfois comme il en arrive à tout le monde. Et Sarko, je le prends quand il veut. A la lenteur, il me dépassera jamais."

[Commentaire de synergie - Sarko, je le prends quand il veut - in Libération - 06/28/2007 - Le jogging est-il de droite ?]